First Semester is a Wrap!

 Hello St. Anthony!

What a semester!  I just completed my final tests and papers for the semester and am preparing to return to Scottsdale later this week.  As I start packing up, I wanted to share some reflections from the past few months.  

First of all, seminary is hard!  I was not expecting it to be easy, but the rigor of the classes exceeded what I anticipated.  Granted, I probably took one class too many (an error I corrected for next semester), but I can confirm priests in the Episcopal tradition are being formed well!  This past semester I took Old Testament, New Testament, Hebrew, Historical Witness of the Church (a combined theology and history course), and an introduction to liturgy class.  Each class presented its own challenges, be it memorizing hundreds of identifications in New Testament or translating from Biblical Hebrew to English; every class also had its own graces.  I have learned a lot, and I am ready for more!  Next semester, I have more Old and New Testament; I also have some new courses: one on discipleship and one on reading the Bible in Spanish.  

Pictured above: this year's incoming VTS students.

Second, seminary is a lot of fun.  I have had wonderful opportunities here at VTS.  Our year started with a special trip to the Cathedral; in the Fall VTS celebrated its 200th anniversary with a weekend of galas, speakers, and activities.  Most recently, we celebrated the end of the semester with an “Old Hollywood” themed party.  Day-to-day life here is full of community meals, trivia nights at the pub, 1823, or making s’mores around a fire during Compline.  

Third, seminary has offered me tremendous spiritual formation.  We must attend one corporate act of worship every day, be it morning or evening prayer, liturgy, or Compline.  We also serve as leaders or acolytes at services several times per month. Most folks attend more than one each day.  We also have weekly formation groups that meet in the home of our faculty advisor.  The opportunity to engage in worship so frequently in such an intentional community has been meaningful and formative for me. If you ever want to tune in, we broadcast Compline on the VTS website every weeknight!  

I cannot believe a semester has already passed.  I cannot wait to visit and celebrate with my Saint Anthony community!  

P.S. That care package really kept me and my dorm mates going!  Many thanks to all!  


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